

by Test User -
Number of replies: 32

Do you agree or disagree with Rooney's statement, "There's something satisfying about discarding almost everything?" Use evidence and/or examples to support your claim.

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Re: Satisfying?

by Angel Eduardo Cota -

It is good items to throw away because you can become a horder when you aren't throwing things away and when you are throwing things away you can find items you need also you house dont smell


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Re: Satisfying?

by Deleted user -

I think its satisfying because people wont think i am crazy and yes it feels good to throw items out because it helps my house not break thrown and it helps me to stay clean.

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Re: Satisfying?

by America Flores -

i disagree because some of the stuff u through away is meaning full bu not every thing yes u should through away trash.

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Re: Satisfying?

by Deleted user -

I agree because I won't have so much things that I really don't need so I can throw them out. 

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Re: Satisfying?

by Ilyssa Giron -

I agree because I wouldn't want to become a hoarder. And so that my guest would see a clean house.

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Re: Satisfying?

by Jennifer Brown Villa -

I disagree because i don't want to throw out any of my items and some items have special meaning to me so i don't want to throw them.

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Re: Satisfying?

by Matthew Dorame -

if you throw stuff out items iu might find missing i wont become a horder house wont smell funky i will be clean and gust will be happy

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Re: Satisfying?

by Rachel Alvarez -

I agree witht he statement because I don't want to become a Hoarder that just doesn't want to throw away anything not even there trash. If you become a hoarder guest would see a landfill and embarass you. I think just throw away what you do not need anymore.

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Re: Satisfying?

by Yuliana Babuca -

I disagree because it's creating more trash and we already have enough of that. It's all going to end up in landfills which are already filled up. If people throw out all there trash it'll be a lot because they'll go through their stuff and find useless things. 

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Re: Satisfying?

by Yaxiri Ortiz Medrano -

I agree with the quote that the author states"there's soemthing satisfying about discarding almost everything" because I feel like there is a relief when you clean your house too.  I feel that your home looks cleane and in better shape. It is not clogged up and you do not fel messy and weak.

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Re: Satisfying?

by Paris Beniquez Mercado -

I agree because I do find throwing things out satisfying,  I don't want to have a lot of clutter around me and I rather have everything that I don't need to be out and away from me rather then being stuck with it for a long time. I won't have any rodents/bugs or garbage  that create a smell that I don't want. I could find lost items that i actually need rather then staying with all the trash that is covering it, and I wont hoard stuff

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Re: Satisfying?

by Julian Olivares -

I do find it satisfying because throwing everything away i don't like to be cluttered and being cluttered for me is bad because i like my room to be clean.

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Re: Satisfying?

by Axeel Melendez -

I disagree because the trash hurts the environment, rather than reusing the trash that is reusable. dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead  clown clown clown clown  clown clown clown


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Re: Satisfying?

by Vanessa Silva -

It is NOT satisfying to throw out items because then it makes the Earth seem ugly. Throwing out everything will not only harm the Earth, but also harm us. Not throwing everything is good. You could keep some sentimental items. 

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Re: Satisfying?

by Dartanyn Valdivia -

I do not find it satisfying because it hurts the environment and most broken appliances can be reused and recycled rather than just being dumped or buried somewhere.  Also some things can have sentimental values to someone but not to you.

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Re: Satisfying?

by Danitza Celaya -

I agree with the being satisfying to throw out items you don't really need because you will not have a mess and have more room to put the important/personal items and useful items 

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Re: Satisfying?

by Hadjy Velasquez Rodriguez -

I agree throwing things out is satisfying because it just gives you relief that you don't have to just hace a lot of randm junk lying around your house

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Re: Satisfying?

by Deleted user -

It is satisfying because you don't have a mess in your house/room and you get bugs and rodents out. 

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Re: Satisfying?

by Ike Rodriguez -

I agree with him because theres less of a clutter when you trow things away and you feel cleaner about yourself. Heres a question. Would you like your room clean or dirty? I like to be clean and i find it satisfying to throw things away but I wouldn't want to throw away EVERYTHING. Then we would be like clean freaks. Like always getting sick at the littlest of germs...grow an imune system, lick some dirt.