Standard 4 - Systemic Improvement

Standard 4 - Systemic Improvement

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 3

Please summarize this standard.  What sort of ideas and initiatives could you implement to foster systematic change? 

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Standard 4 - Systemic Improvement

by Alissa Welch -

Summary:   Decisions need to be data driven.  Hire and retain tech savy teachers.  Develop supportive infastructure and a strategic plan.

Implementation:  Hold weekly data meetings in which teachers bring formative data from their in-class learn student responses.  Common assessments in a digital form.  Require a certain % of lessons to be developed on moodle each quarter to create a teacher "share bank" over time.  Don't rush development.

In reply to Alissa Welch

Re: Standard 4 - Systemic Improvement

by Armando Valenzuela -

These are very good ideas and are things we can implement in the upcoming year.  Thank you for your insight.

In reply to Deleted user

Re: Standard 4 - Systemic Improvement

by Brenda Harford -

Utilize and integrate technology in collaboration,

A. do not print out test data, lead teachers in utilizing web based data to access student performance data.

B. model a technology based response system