Willis - English 5
Section outline
Hey students welcome back to school hope all of you had a great summer. This is going to be a school year filled with numerous learning opportunities and memories you will keep with you for a lifetime. Go Blue Devils!.....
Mr. Willis
Contact Info: 520-545-5368
Click On Syllabus
September 28th 1.11 on springboard survey and quick write plus anything with a plus sign on the page
September 29th/30th - Today we went on springboard and the students did activity 1.12 they did the before reading, during reading and after reading on the page
October 5th - check your understanding
October 6th - 1.13 before reading, during reading you need to highlight the key elements of an argument that are in the declaration of independence, after reading and check your understanding
October 19th - complete every section on spring board 1.15
October 21st - complete every section on springboard 1.15
October 22nd - complete 1.16 until you get to the after reading part
October 23rd - go on 1.16 read writing go over the SOAPStone strategy and then answer after reading
October 26th - do activity 1.17 answer number 2 and 3
October 27th/28th - 1.17 read both pieces of writing underline both writings concepts of the American dream then answer after reading and check your understanding
October 30th - 1.18, pick side A or B and support it with evidence from Springboard texts 1.12, 1.13, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17
November 2nd- group presentations
November 3rd/4th - group presentations
November 6th - Got to embedded assessment 2 and unpack assignment again
November 9th - unpack EA with the teacher
November 10th/12th - score example and start the hook, connection to hook, and background info
November 13th - review tuesday and thursday
November 16th - EA writing asignment
November 30th - EA writing body
September 29th - Today we went on springboard and the students did activity 1.12 they did the before reading, during reading and after reading on the page
read an article and write a summary about a paragraph and a half about what you read