Section outline



    What does a 1:1 classroom look like?  If each student has a laptop on his or her desk, is that a 1:1 classroom?  Is a 1:1 classroom where all the work formally done on paper is transferred to the computer?  

    To quote the education writer Chris Leyman, "If the best use of the technology at our disposal we can imagine is the evolutionary filmstrip and the evolutionary Scantron, our failure will be epic and tragic."   

    The research data strongly supports the fact that good 1:1 classrooms have "H.E.A.T."...

    H= Higher Order Thinking 

    E= Engagement with the learning objectives

    A= Authentic Questions

    T= Technology Integration APPROPRIATE to the task

    • The following links go to a couple of short clips of SUSD 1:1 classrooms.  They are examples of some of what the coaches see on a daily basis.

    • Some questions to ask when viewing the videos:

      • What technology is being used?
      • How is the technology being used?
      • What was the purpose of using the technology?
      • What does the body language of the students and teachers tell us?
      • What are the students getting out of using the technology?
    • This document is a review of the "Standards and Practice" which should be taking place within all Sunnyside 1:1 classrooms.