Section Name Description
URL Tech Integration Planning Organizer

Use this collaborative document to help set an implementation plan.

ISLCC Standards and Technology File NETS-A Standards

NETS-A Standards

URL What Does a Tech-Savvy Administrator Look Like?

What Does a Tech-Savvy Administrator Look Like?

File Project Red

Project Red Book

URL ISTE NETS - Students




URL ISTE NETS- Administrators

What do Administrators need to know in relation to technology integration?

URL Framework for 21st Century Learning

The Framework presents a holistic view of 21st century teaching and learning that combines a discrete focus on 21st century student outcomes(a blending of specific skills, content knowledge, expertise and literacies) with innovative support systems to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities required of them in the 21st century.

URL Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership

Technology Integration information from the California Department of Education.

What a 1:1 classroom is (and what it is NOT) File Click here to see SUSD expectations on student technology use

This document is a review of the "Standards and Practice" which should be taking place within all Sunnyside 1:1 classrooms.

Student Engagement URL Group 1 click here

Card sort 

URL Group 2 click here

card sort

URL Group 3 click here

card sort

URL Group 4 click here

card sort

URL Group 5 click here

card sort

URL Group 6 click here

card sort

Tech Integration Matrix URL Click here to go to the Matrix Activity

DIRECTIONS:  Use the information that you have gathered from reviewing the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) to write your own definitions or examples. 

Page Lesson #1- Primary Science

A second grade science lesson.

Page Lesson #2- Primary Math

Third grade math lesson

Page Lesson #3- Secondary Science

Secondary lesson for Science/Geography

Page Lesson #4- Secondary Language Arts

Secondary Language Arts

Page Lesson #5- Primary Social Studies

Elementary media literacy

Page Lesson #6- Primary Math

Elementary lesson on data and graphing

Page Lesson #7- Secondary Math

Secondary Social Studies/Math Lesson

Page Lesson #8- Secondary Language Arts

Secondary language arts lessons

Page Lesson #9- Secondary Social Studies

An intermediate/secondary Social Studies lesson.

Page Lesson #10- Primary Language Arts

This is a FIFTH GRADE language arts lesson.

URL Click here to join the Lesson Review Activity

This collaborative document will allow us to review where the various lessons live within the Technology Integration Matrix.

URL Click here to post your comments on the Matrix

Share your thoughts on the Matrix.

URL Click here to install the Scrible toolbar

Online highlighter and annotation tool.

Page Lesson #1- Primary Science

A second grade science lesson.

Page Lesson #2- Primary Math

Third grade math lesson

Page Lesson #3- Secondary Science

Secondary lesson for Science/Geography

Page Lesson #4- Secondary Language Arts

Secondary Language Arts

Page Lesson #5- Primary Social Studies

Elementary media literacy

Page Lesson #6- Primary Math

Elementary lesson on data and graphing

Page Lesson #7- Secondary Math

Secondary Social Studies/Math Lesson

Page Lesson #8- Secondary Language Arts

Secondary language arts lessons

URL Click here to join the Lesson Review Activity

This collaborative document will allow us to review where the various lessons live within the Technology Integration Matrix.

URL Technology Integration Approach

Click this link to see how some Florida districts are addressing the notion of technology integration within THEIR classrooms.

URL Click here to tour LanSchool

LanSchool Tour

Page Click here to explore the LAN School Toolbar

Functions of the LAN School Toolbar

URL Click here to see web tutorials on how to use LAN School


Classroom Management URL Management Concerns Lino Board


File One to One Readiness Checklist

Doc for all 1:1 teachers

URL SUSD 1:1 Support Documents

1:1 Support.

URL LEARN 101 Tutorials

LEARN tutorials

File One to One Readiness Checklist

Doc for all 1:1 teachers

URL Click here for more information on preparing your room.

This article from Scholastic can give you an idea on what to consider when preparing your room for a 1:1 environment.

URL Click here to use the room design tool

Online room design tool to explore your classroom layout.

URL SUSD 1:1 Support Documents

1:1 Support.

URL Troubleshooting Tips

Troubleshooting poster

File Laptop Repair Ticket

Repair ticket for middle school students.

Page Room Configuration and Technology Management Page with Helpful Links and Info

Room Configuration and Technology Management

URL Irving Ind School Dist 1:1 Teacher Interviews

Please check out this page for several interviews regarding teaching in a one to one environment.

URL Video Examples of Management Techniques

Some classic management techniques in a 1:1 classroom.

URL No Strings Attached

Almost a dozen Florida school districts have joined together to help support schools who are expanding to 1:1.  They have posted more than 100 classroom videos which demonstrate technology use in action.  Click here to explore by subject and grade level.

File #1: Best Practices for 1:1 Management

Classroom Mgmt PDF

URL #2: The Master Teacher Identified Behaviors & Actions for Classroom Management

A site with various behaviors identified and possible courses of action.

URL #3: One example of Class Technology Rules

this example is from a secondary course

URL #4- Class Rules Made Simple

A great article which really cuts to the heart of management.

URL Click here to submit your class rules to the group.

Use Google Moderate to vote on what you think are the best rules for your 1:1 class.

File Cooperative Learning at a Glance

Cooperative Learning at a Glance PDF

URL Click here to sign up for your FREE Class Dojo account

Class Dojo sign-up

URL Clear here to take a tour of Class Dojo

Class Dojo tour

File Class Dojo Student Invites

Dojo PDF

The 1:1 Toolbox Page Click here to explore classroom tools

These are just a sample of some of the online tools available to teachers.  Be sure to check back as we're adding new stuff all the time.

Page Group #1

Classroom Scenario #1

Page Group #2

Classroom scenario for group #2

Page Group #3

Classroom scenario for group #3.

Page Group #4

Classroom scenario for group #4

Page Group #5

This is the classroom scenario for group #5

Page Group #6

This is the class scenario for group #6

Page Group #7

This is the class scenario for group #7

Page Group #8

Class scenario for group #8

URL Click here to post your answer in a COLLABORATIVE Organizer

Collaborative Documents can be either text, drawings or spreadsheets. 

The Networked Teacher URL p21 Skills Maps with Common Core & Technology in Mind

From Partnership for 21st Century Skills

File p21 Common Core State Toolkit

Technology Integration & the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

URL Common Core State Standards Resources


URL Differentiate with Jog...

A customized jog for particpants

Here's Where the Magic Happens URL Unit Lesson Plan (Collaborative)

This version of the Unit Lesson Plan will allow teachers to share and collaborate on a shared lesson using a collaborative Google Doc format. 

File Unit Plan Template

You can use this blank form to help you design your unit plan.

URL Organize your lesson with Jog the Web

Jog the web is a great tool to help teachers to organize their digital activities for students.