You Are What You Eat!

In Mr. Swope's Health class, students are learning about how their food choices impact their health and well-being in both the short term and long term.  Using the online graphic organizer site LucidChart student track their eating habits of a one week period, categorizing each of their food choices into the appropriate area according to USDA guidelines.  

Students then transfer their dietary information into the online calorie counter and diet tracker to see how their calorie intake compares with how many calories they are burning each week.

Mr. Swope then has student identify the "Top 10" items on their diet list which contain the most sugar according to their calorie counter.  Using the website Sugar Stacks, students can get a visual representation of how much sugar is contained within some of the most common foods they consume.  He then has students add up their total sugar consumption and convert them to "grams" using a standard formula.  

Finally, Mr. Swope guides his kids to the online game Ad Decoder to demonstrate how online and print media can contribute to poor nutrition choices and impacts their health and well-being.

Resources used in this scenario:

My Fitness Pal:

Sugar Stacks:

Ad Decoder Game: 


Last modified: Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 11:05 PM