Data Collection and Graphing

Ms. Ozagacli, a language arts teacher, is designing a unit where students investigate the character traits of a 17th and 18th century pirate. As part of the standards, students are expected to create a character map using appropriate character words.  Students will also search various websites to locate images and finally create a wanted poster using the site Comic Life.

Ms. Ozagacli first has students complete their background research from a list of pre-approved sites such as this one.  She then uses the site Teachnology to locate and complete an appropriate character map with the class.  Students will choose four words to describe their pirate with four examples of each character trait.  Words are taken from a list compiled by the teacher.

Student will then go to the site Pics 4 Leaning to choose a picture to use for their Wanted Pirate Poster, making sure to properly cite their source for the picture within their bibliography using the website

Finally, Ms. Ozagacli has students use the website Comic Life to create their wanted poster.  Using the online rubric library Rubistar, she is able to locate and share with students a rubric which covers both the visual media and language requirements of the project. 

Student will choose a background and import their photo.  Depending on their character trait words, students will insert them into the word bubbles as if the pirate was describing him or herself to be captured.  Students can add other words as well in order to complete the wanted poster. 


Teachknology Graphic Organizers: 

Rubistar Rubric Library: 



Comic Life: 

Last modified: Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 10:40 PM