General forums

Forum Description Discussions
Class Announcements

Pride Card Policy Change

Pride cards will be checked every morning

  • Lost cards will result in lunch detention.
  • 3 NO's or blanks - lunch detention
  • Miss detention - you will move up on the matrix.
  • 2 or more assigned lunch detentions ...

Learning forums

Section Forum Description Discussions
Forum Questions Q4 Period 1 CNN Forum Questions

Watch CNN Student News and answer the following forum question.  Make sure it includes the following:

  • Minimum of 4 sentences.
  • Must use correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Be sure to answer the question.
  • Include your reflections on the news.
Period 3 CNN Forum Question

Watch CNN Student News and answer the following forum question.  Make sure it includes the following:

  • Minimum of 4 sentences.
  • Must use correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Be sure to answer the question.
  • Include your reflections on the news.
Period 4 CNN Forum Question

Watch CNN Student News and answer the following forum question.  Make sure it includes the following:

  • Minimum of 4 sentences.
  • Must use correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Be sure to answer the question.
  • Include your reflections on the news.
Period 5 CNN Forum Question

Watch CNN Student News and answer the following forum question.  Make sure it includes the following:

  • Minimum of 4 sentences.
  • Must use correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Be sure to answer the question.
  • Include your reflections on the news.