How to submit assignments successfully!
Completion requirements
Opened: Thursday, September 15, 2016, 12:00 AM
Due: Thursday, September 22, 2016, 12:00 AM
- All major projects need to be submitted with a
self-assessment rubric (The rubrics can be found under
Rubrics for Assignments) . Be sure to give yourself
points (watch the maximum for each section) and cite specific
examples from your artwork to justify your points.
Total the points at the end.
- In order to grow as artists we must learn to step back from our work and reflect on our practice.
- The rubric document must be copied in order to work on it and titled: Project name.last name.grade.period and saved in your art/ceramic folder.
- All artwork to be graded should be placed in the basket on Ms. Hall's table. 3D art should be placed on the shelves - be sure to let Ms. Hall know you are placing it there if you are submitting work late.
- All major projects need to be submitted with a
self-assessment rubric (The rubrics can be found under
Rubrics for Assignments) . Be sure to give yourself
points (watch the maximum for each section) and cite specific
examples from your artwork to justify your points.
Total the points at the end.
Artist statements:
- Are required periodically and must have the following
- Title of artwork
- Your first and last name
- Grade and Period
- Paragraph one: How I created the work and did it turn out how I expected? Why or why not? Were there problems or changes I made along the way? why?
- Paragraph two: Describe why I made the art the way I did. What did I learn through the project? What would I do differently next time?
- Document name: name.last name.grade.period
- Be sure to move the artist statement to your art or ceramic folder
- Are required periodically and must have the following
Notes and other in class quick checks:
- Make sure your first and last name are on your work along with the date and your grade and period.
- Submit your work in the basket on Ms. Hall's table