Section outline

  • Alex Cardieri, Music Specialist
    Alex Cardieri, Music Specialist
    Liberty & Rivera

    Liberty School Song

    Words by Alex Cardieri

    My country tis'of thee

    Our school's name is Liberty

    the Rams will rap.

    L as in Learn  I - Inspire  B - Believe  E - Empower  R - Reflect  T - Together  Y - Young Learners  

    We'll do Whatever it Takes

    For our school's sake

    To make our vision come true

    And our mission too!!

    Rivera School Song

    Words & Music by Alex Cardieri

    Rosemarie Rivera, 
    That‘s the name of our school.

    Verse 1
    The raptor is our mascot,
    Our colors are blue and red.


    Verse 2
    The principal is Ms. Gamez,
    She’s the leader of our school.


    Verse 3
    Our future is bright;
    The possibilities are endless.


    Verse 4
    Keep the dream alive,
    That’s what Rosemarie had in mind.


    Repeat Refrain

    • The above songs were created for Mr.Cardieri's students to instill School Spirit.  Please show some pride for your school by practice singing the words to your School Song alone and with others.

      Liberty - Go Rams!

      Rivera - Go Raptors!

  • The 1st Grade Classes at Liberty Elementary will be performing a musical on the Solar System for the Fall Semester 2017.  

  • The 2nd Grade Classes at Liberty Elementary will be performing the musical "Dinostars" for the Fall semester 2017.  It is a presentation on dinosaurs.  

    • Mr. Cardieri's 5th & 6th grade music classes will be performing the musical, Bullies Anonymous. It teaches students about the different types of Bullies, why they act the way they do, and what you can do to stop them.  


  • Highlighted
  • This file shows a broad view of how music will support the grade levels in some of the Common Core ELA/Math units in their individual classes.