Homebound forms needed
Section outline
I added two forms we use for Homebound Instruction.
The first one is the Medical homebound form that needs to be signed by the student's doctor.
The second form we use is the MDC form that discusses what we are going to do and for how long. We also have places for required signatures to implement the homebound instruction.
The required signatures are: Parent/guardian
School Principal
Social Worker
To enroll a student into the homebound program each student's doctor needs to sign and provide the diagnosis for their patient. They also recommend what type of homebound the student may need. ( the Social Worker can assist with this as there are many options.)
The MDC form needs to be signed by the school's Principal, nurse, parent/guardian and Social worker overseeing the placement. The MDC form documents what homebound is for, the duration, class schedule, homebound treacher etc.