Hello! My name is Elizabeth-Anne Rowe and I am the Music
teacher for the 2015-16 school year at Los Ninos and Mission
Manor elementary schools! I am very excited to be working
you in the coming year.
If you would like to email me directly, please
click here.
I teach General Music to the Kindergarteners thru 6th graders,
as well as conduct the Boys and Girls Choir. Please visit
the Choir page for more information.
see each kindergarten through 6th grade class approximately
once a week for 40 minutes. To see what we are working on
please look under the grade tab for your particular
I will be teaching at Mission Manor during the first semester
of the 2016 - 17 school year (July 27th - December 23rd), and
at Los Ninos during the second semester (January 9th - May