Section outline

  • Draw portraits and figures based on ratios and proportions.  Use the eye as the basic unit when drawing the head. Use the head as the basic unit when drawing the body. How far apart do you draw the eyes?  Where does the nose stop?  How wide is the mouth?  Where do the ears go?  How do you add a neck?  Shoulders?  How many "heads" tall is a person?  How long is the torso? Arms?  Feet?  

    Table Talk:  How have portraits changed since the invention of the camera?  How do portraits record what is happening in a society?

    Due:  Portraits    -  Friday of week 5

               Figure Drawing  -  Thursday of week 6

               Wire Sculpture   -  Friday of week 6

               Skeleton - Block 2 only      MardiGras - Block 4 only