Section Name Description
Plagiarism URL Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism PPT.  

URL APA "quiz"

To get yourself familiar with APA

Sophomore Standards Assessment File Focused Standards list

The list of standards you are responsible for knowing. These will be assessed on your final. 

On the second list,  the first few have example questions  to give you a reference.  

15-16 Honors Writing File Conversation with ___________
Extension stuff ( more fun to do when finished- kind of-a-thing) File Big Eyed Fish

Check out these song lyrics. What is  the author trying to say?

URL Myth

 Myths are old ways of explaining the un-explainable. Write a Myth and draw a detailed picture of the events from your story. See the examples on this link.

File Weird Writing

 Can you write a message to someone like this? Write a message to a friend or a Teacher using this weird style.

URL Palindromes

Words spelled the same backwards and front.

URL The Jabberwocky

Funny how the made up words still make sense.

Read the Jabberwocky.  make up a poem like it . Make up some words and write a poem that make sense even with the made up words.